Welcome to your new home and extended family, Berean Crosspointe International (BCI) Marikina Inc.! ​

​On its inception, the school’s theme was all about the Lord’s exhortation to LOVE GOD as He commanded us in Deuteronomy 6:5-9. ​

​To this day, we are fully convinced that if we are to inspire students to be the best version of themselves as God wants them to be, we need to begin here. This is the reason why all of our academic and character-building programs are intentionally connected upon the precept of LOVING GOD with focus on the importance of relationships of students with their parents, with their teachers, with their peers, with their community, and most importantly, with God.​

​Towards the end of our Academic Year 2019-2020, the whole world had to deal with the restrictions brought about by the Novel Coronavirus pandemic; and up to this date, we continue to live with the pandemic. Whatever adjustments that may be mandated by the Department of Education due to this current situation, we assure everyone that we will continuously uphold our promise that no Berean student will be left behind. ​

​We are committed to provide the most fitting solution in our current learning environment. Beyond this COVID-19, we give you our promise that our school will continue to “nurture and inspire” our students in becoming the best versions of themselves the way God wants them to be. ​

​We covet your prayers for God’s anointing, wisdom, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in carrying out our passion to help our families develop Godly leaders. All for the praise and glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!